Canoa Polo | Canoe Polo


E’ tanto tempo che non posto nulla: purtroppo non avevo nulla di curioso da farvi vedere.

Poi questa estate a Lerici ho assistito ad un torneo di un torneo davvero strano: il Canoa Polo!

Si, ok direte, ma … cosa cavolo è il canoa polo?

[] Il Canoa Polo (o kayak polo) si gioca con la palla in uno specchio d’acqua ferma (soprattutto laghi,canali o piscine) in un campo lungo 35 metri e largo 23 metri. La porta è sospesa a 2 metri dal livello dell’acqua e vince chi segna il maggior numero di goal in un tempo totale di 20 minuti per partita.

I cambi sono illimitati, l’importante è che nello specchio d’acqua in cui si gioca ci siano sempre solo 5 giocatori. I kayak per la canoa polo sono specifici per questa specialità e devono avere una lunghezza compresa tra i 2,1 e i 3,1 metri. I kayak da polo sono muniti in punta e coda di protezioni per ammorbidire i potenziali contatti con gli avversari.

La canoa polo é uno sport che unisce alla tecnica canoistica l’acquaticità della pallanuoto e il dinamismo della pallacanestro. Cinque giocatori in canoa cercano di segnare il numero maggiore di reti nella porta della squadra avversaria. La palla viene giocata con la pagaia o con le mani, in un campo di gioco costruito su un tratto di acqua senza corrente.

Bene, ora avete le idee più chiare? Allora guardate il mini slide show in fondo al post!

Hi folks!

This post is about a “strange” sport: Canoe Polo.

What? Canoe Polo?

[] The ball, a waterpolo ball, is passed from hand to hand among the players, with some use of the paddle on the ball also allowed. A player in possession can be tackled by being pushed over on the shoulder or back, players may only have the ball in their possession for a maximum of five seconds. Players can ‘dribble’ the ball by throwing it one meter or more, ahead of themselves or sideways into the water. Most of the rules concern the safety of the players involved. For example illegal substitution and entry into the playing area (see below), illegal use of the paddle, illegal action against a capsized player, illegal jostle and illegal screening. Penalties include goal- and sideline throws, free shots, goal penalty shots, and penalty cards.

Substitutions can be made at any time during the game without notifying the referee, the player has to cross the back line before another player can come on. If these rules are not followed a player is nominated by the captain of the offending team to be removed from play (sent off).

Canoe polo is played either indoors in swimming pools or outdoors on a pitch which should measure 35 metres by 23 metres. The edges of the pitch are marked by the sides of the pool, or better, by floating ropes (similar to lane markers in swimming).

There are two referees (one on each side-line) and they are on foot rather than in boats. The score is kept by the scorekeeper and the timekeeper monitors the playing time and sending-off times. The goal lines are monitored by 2 line judges. Before play commences scrutineers check all kit for compliance with regulations

The goals (measuring 1 by 1.5 metres) are a frame with a net, suspended 2 metres above the water. A player, acting as goalie, defends the goal with their paddle by sticking it up vertically, special rules concern the goalie, such as: the attacking team not being able to interfere with or jostle them. The length of the paddles used by the goalies are often longer than those used by other players.

The game is officially played as a 20 minute game consisting of 10 minute halves. The teams swap ends at half-time which is in 10 minutes 🙂 Each half begins with a “sprint” where each team lines up against its goal-line and the ball is thrown into the middle of the pitch by the referee. One player from each team sprints to win possession of the ball.

Click on the image below to start a short slide show about Canoe Polo, all pictures taken at an international meeting at Lerici (La Spezia, Italy) this summer, on my holydays.